»We develop, produce, and distribute films.«
Treibsand – Films for you!

»Breakthrough Stage«
from 12 October 2023 in the cinema

Kim’s pitch at the Media Founder Center’s Alumni Summit 2022 in Cologne, Germany.

»the thing with feathers«
Awarded at the world premiere at FIRST International Film Festival Xining, China

»Spaßmacher screened in Wuppertal«
As part of the nationwide documentary film days Let’s Dok ( www.letsdok.de ) the documentary film collective Dokomotive ( www.plattform.dokomotive.com ) presents the documentary film Spaßmacher by Christian Meyer and Sebastian Bergfeld.
On 16.09.21 at 8 pm in the art space EckArt ( Simonsstraße 27, 42117 Wuppertal ).

»HAND TALES new project«
In cooperation with Vollbild e.V. we are developing our new film project HANDS TALE
Artistic direction by Tianlin Xu and Kim Münster.
Supported by NRWeltoffen, the Jackstädt Foundation and the Bergischer Kulturfonds.
Thank you very much for your support.

»Kim on the board of Dokomotive Plattform.«
A wonderful collective and platform for auteur documentary film.
Check it out: dokomotive

»PLAY OR NOT TO PLAY in production«
Funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW.
Directed by Sebastian Bergfeld and Kim Münster

»COMING AND GOING available on DVD«
DVDs can now also be ordered via our contact form.
For 12,90 € plus 3,79 € shipping. Just write a short message.

»JOKER on premiere tour«
Our documentary will go on tour in German cities from January 2020. Infos: strangerthanfiction

»The short film ELLA makes education«
A shortfilm by Kim Münster
in the distribution of Filmsortiment Hamburg

»Münster’s film themes are „social, political, socio-critical, have to do with interpersonal relationships“.«
Aus der WZ – Westdeutschen Zeitung

»Be a part of our new film JOYCE«
Here you can support our film and get great benefits GOFUNDME

»COMING AND GOING by Tianlin Xu«
now available on the great VoD platform REALEYZ

»LETTERS FROM WUPPERTAL full house at Rex Filmtheater Wuppertal on 12.10.2017«
Kim has served as executive producer on 4 of the 5 films and co-produced the film „Wicked Woods“ with Paul White.
The series was produced by Tanzrauschen e.V. and Mobile Dance.
Project Management: Kerstin Hamburg, Artistic Direction: Jo Parkes

»Stopmotion across the worlds«
Quotation from Filmdienst

»Quicksand for the head«
Aus der Mina – Das Kulturmagazin der Westdeutschen Zeitung (WZ)

»THERE’S WHAT makes education«
The Mockumentary by Kim Münster here available Filmsortiment Hamburg